Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Right Place, Right Time

So a while back in the summer while slaving away for Pernell, After work I went to Jackson Square by myself because Meagan had better thingz to do, like go flirt with some boy or something, (whatever).
Anywho, I'm at Burger King just eating az normal, I got my friez, chicken sandwich and large coke, everything the body needz. I 'm just totally chilling wearing my Metallica shirt and looking like my normal self, when this kid walks by me. He looks like the ususal 15 or 16 year old, super skinny with clothez 8 sizez too big that are just falling off him, I waz actualy making fun of him in my head, eventually he sits beside me.....I think nothing of it.....he looks at my friez ..I keep ignoring him....he looks again and again......suddenly I hear a voice in my head saying "offer him your friez", Now this voice soundz like MY voice, so I'm wondering am I saying this?.....then I hear it again......I think it's .....God?, Cool! So he tells me again "offer him your friez",
"NO, I don't wanna give him my friez let him get hiz own" "GIVE HIM YOUR DAMN FRIEZ" and I distictivly remember it being louder and then getting a ringing in my ear......" hey kid? you want a fry?" I ask. "No thanks." sayz the kid. "See." I say to God, " he doezn't want any". Then the kid sayz "Could I actualy have a peice of paper from your wrapper?" "Sure, what for?" I ask. "Oh I it's for Rocks" "Rocks?" " Ya you know Cocaine", " Oh no I don't think so , I don't support than crap". "Oh, Come on!" be begz, " sorry dude no dice!" So he looks away, then I ask "why would you want to do something like that anywayz man?" " You know just to make some extra money on the side. I have another job at Harveyz." "Wow, how do u sell to?" I ask. He tellz me that he sellz to some idiots down town, I ask If I can see the peice of crack he'z got on him, so he handz it to me and I see that it iz nothing more than Literaly a white rock that he must have found. I start to laugh at him, " dude this iz just a rock you can't sell this. I'd beat the shit out of you of you tried to sell me this" " The kidz downtown don't know any different" So then I lay it out for him, and now I know by this time God iz definatly speaking through me. " Suppoze you do sell this to some kid, and then the kid haz big brother who comez with 10 of hiz friendz, hunts you down and beats you to a pulp, landz you in the hospital or worse, killz you, all becauze you wanna make some money on the side?, that doezn't sound very smart doez it?" "No" the kid sayz az he hangz hiz head in shame" so then I ask if he haz a girlfriend, he tells me ya, "Dude, she'd fuckin rip your ballz off man if she knew what you were doing, and no sex for a month at least" The kid gigglez and nodz. Then there iz a bit of silence, "So you wanna give me that peice of garbage you got in you hand?" "Ya" az he smilez an embarasing smile, He handz it to me and I put it in my empty drink cup and throw it away. So eventualy we get to talking about hiz life and family, and school which he iz still in thank God. He iz really having a tough time living on hiz own at 16 with hiz girlfriend, I guess he just needed some Big Brotherly attention, and God chooze me to do it. I don't know why me, maybe because I would listen and not judge or look down on him, I'd just be there. He tellz me hiz name is Richard Muller, (Wow, I can't beleive I still remember it.) , I tell him about The Freeway and give him my E mail and Phone number so he can contact me if he ever wants to just hangout and talk. I give him a high five and leave and then remember about my friez, I look back and the're gone. Wow, I still don't know where ther wordz came from, they just poured out of my mouth, I know I waz not in control of that whole situation because I remember feeling a very airy, light, feathery feeling in my body that wazn't me. That's the first time God haz ever like taken over my body and done that to me. And it waz cool.....I have never heard from Richard since, I hope the kidz ok.

Yellow- God
Red- Me
Blue- kid


Blogger Al said...

That's one cool story Adrian. Thanks for sharing it.

5:30 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

i love the bible story of the kid who's first(?) encounter with Jesus was in a fast food place. Jesus appeared to him when a friend rejected his "normal" selfish urges and gave his fries to Jesus. (i've noticed that Jesus is big on the multiplication of gift-food kinda miracles.) Anyway ... you know the story, it's in the gospel we're writing now - it's the same story where Jesus was eating fries and wearing his metallica t-shirt.

' make sense? ' not to me either. ('doesn't matter.)

Jesus walks. God bless you, Adrian.

10:19 AM  

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