Monday, February 27, 2006

Bad Monkey.

Left to right

1-Last night me and monkey hungout, we watched Scarface and drank beer, Monkey iz my good friend.

2-Then all of a sudden there waz a knock at the door and it waz Strawberry Shortcake who came for a visit...........YEAY!!!

3- Monkey made Strawberryshortcake have beer too,......... but monkey took advantage.


When I get bored I just play with my monkey!!!

So I waz totaly bored the other night, and I started to play with the monkey that Abby gave me, I waz making it dance to the music that I waz listening to, and I waz absolutley killing myself laughing, I mean rolling on the floor laughing az I made this minkey dance like a puppett. : The following iz a series of events that transpired az a result of lack of sleep and childish behaviour, Parental discresion iz advised.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Behind bad luck, comez Good luck!" Thank you Mr. fortune cookie.

What an awsome day, Shyite!!!!!, I woke up kinda late, 12:47 in the noon, (haha Natasha), I make a coffee without sugar cuz I have no money to replace the sugar that the ants took over.......So I log onto MSN with my crappy sugarless coffee and my dad signz in (yes he'z that cool, that he uses MSN at work) and he sendz me some shillingz over the internet.......Sweet!!! Then John Fieldz callz, " you up for doing some recording today?" "Ya sure" Sweet!!! So he picks me up and we go to this classic rock band cliche' looking garage, And 4 hourz later we have drum tracks to 3 songz down and I even put in some double kick in one of the heavier tunez (tastefully of course), Then we go back to hiz place, eat take out chineese (that's where I got the tille for this from), and listen to our work. WHAT????? How come in the 9 YEARZ I waz in my other band we couldn't get this far?, It's almost frustrating like i wasted all that time, I mean I know I didn't, I got alot of good experience, but then in one afternoon with John we pretty much have our demo done. It bogglez the mind, I am finally working with someone who knowz how to get the job done and I love it. Thanx John.....

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Why such caring? Why?

Wow, I don't get it, I've never experienced such genuine, authentic, no bullshit caring before, it wazn't just some empty kind wordz, or people listening to me just because I happened to be speaking, They were REALLY interested and wanted to know about my little life and the mini drama of me leaving my band, It waz an important topic to Pernell and everyone who heard it, and Pernell nicely tied in the discussion topic into it. He used my little life change to teach everyone else. Usualy I don't like to be the centre of attention, but I really needed that tonite, I really don't know how to explain how I am feeling about it.....I guess that iz what love iz, Wow,......Love....hmmm, it's intense, I've never experienced this before, I realize that people care about me, little old Adrian McFarlane, ME!!!!!, I want to live at the cafe' and literally sleep on the couchez, I can't get enough of it right now, God iz everywhere in there, hiz presence iz beaming all around The Freeway and it's people.....I never want to leave this church.......EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My influential drummerz.

Theze are some of the drummerz that have influenced me and helped me create my own style:

Top right- bottom Left: Animal (muppettshow), Art Blakey(Jazz legend), Thomas Lang(Too pretty to be a drummer), Billy Cobham(Fusion Master), Buddy Rich(Best drummer to date that ever picked up the sticks), Vinnie Paul(Pantera/Damageplan), Gene Krupa( rivaled Buddy Rich in greatness), Dave Lombardo(Slayer/Fantomas/Apocoliptica), Mike Mannginni(Holdz the record for worldz fastest drummer, with 1,200 single strokes in 60 secondz), Lars Ulrich(Metallica), Virgil Donati(mad scientist of the drumz), Max Roach(Jazz Legend), Mike Portnoy(Dream Theater, and first guy who taught me that there are more time signaturez than just 4/4 and 3/4, eg: 16/8)

So true!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I buy my own bread.

What a change.....After alot of thought and talks and tearz, I left my band of 9 yearz, I had just lost the drive to play the music I waz playing with them, *sigh of relief* I just need something new, And there waz alot of tension you could cut with a knife, the real turning point waz when Rob said, "if we were holding auditionz for drummerz, you wouldn't make the cut" So I knew my time waz done, I feel like I just got divorced, Really. I mean we started this band together in grade 10, and we've seen and done alot together we even shared our bread till this morning, but it waz interfearing with my christisn life and my walk with God I mean the two lifestylez totaly were clashing, you can't go to the ripperz on Saturday and then Church on Sunday and act like everythingz fine, and It waz becoming a problem and like work for me and I didn't practice anymore, I waz falling out of love with the drumz. It pretty much came down to, God or my band. And God won. So I'm finaly free. *sigh of releif*, I still wish them the best of luck and will be there front row centre at every show. I still kinda have that resentfull feeling like saying, "good luck finding az good a drummer az I waz and have fun trying to teach him my parts, assholez", but it's not fair to them if I'm not puting everything in to it az I should.

So I am starting anew with John Fieldz, we are Recording this Saturday,and I can put my chops to something new which iz great and I'm excited to see what I can come up with on hiz tunez, also It would be cool to do something with Randy azwell, he'z got some pretty interesting stuff that iz fun and keeps me on my toez.

I love the feeling of not being chained down to one band, I can now play with whom ever I want, So If anyone knowz of any bandz, christian or other that needz a killer drummer let me know. I'm up for anything.

I still want to make a living playing drumz...............I just want God to be there too. :)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. We ask ourselves ; who am to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous. Actualy, who are we not to be?

Nelson Mandela.

That's heavy, Fuck!

Adrian McFarlane.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Ant Tourture, 101.

Ok, I'm back.......So my house haz an Ant problem, I don't know if it waz because of the fact that spring came in Janurary and then Janurary and Feburary teamed up on us and dumped snow all over the place, or if it waz the expired cereal in the cupboad and tried to eat it one night and had ants crawling all over my hand.................ewwww...........anywayz, me and my roommate got tired of theze ants and figured we'd teach them a little lesson, so at 3 in the morning we get a plan, can do this at home too if you want, (british accent) "Fust you take your PVA Glue and slosh it all over your cahdboardboxcahd........<<<Just had to get that one outa the way) Ok,

1) grab a pair of plierz

2) find an unsuspecting ant

3) grasp ant between plierz, but don't squeeze too tight or else, ant guts will spray all over your face

4) watch ant squirm for 5-7minz, anymore and he gets tired and givez up and just liez there.

5) grab book of matchez or lighter, *WARNING: Ant may try and bite you, but it doezn't hurt too much

6) Burn off One feeler at a time JUST ONE!!! I know u eager beaverz get excited and want to ash that sucker, but that's not how it works...

7)Burn off FRONT LEFT and BACK RIGHT Legz

8) Now put ant on ground and watch him sidestep

9) Now for the Finale......

10) BURN HIZ HEAD CLEAN OFF, youcan actualy see hiz head jiggle az hiz brain boilz

11) Cackle a murderous cackle......MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Ok, So I decided to add some happy blogz to my blogatory, cuz I waz looking at other peoplez and if this waz a Peter Pan movie, I would be the only one not flying,....ok...soooo....hmmmm..... Happy thoughs, Happy thoughts, HAPPY THOUGHTS...............................................Oh, I got it, ok, just a sec,....I gotta go sign out and start a new one j..just so it's an official new blog.....brb. hold on....

10 Firstses

10 firsts...

1) First boyfriend/girlfriend: Colleen Gavell and Nicole St Piere, Grade 5
2) First best friend: Luck Forest, also my first band I started grade 7
3) First screen name: DRUMBEAST
4) First kiss: Nicole St, Piere, grade 2
5) First piercings: None just yet.
6) First Car: 1988 Jeep Cherokee, what a piece of crap.
7) First love: Love? Phh! Meh…Love iz fo’ sukaz yo!!
8) First stuffed animal: A classic teddy bear.
9) First tried a cigarette: when I waz 13
10) First failed class: when I waz 14, Damn grade 9 math!

9 lasts...

1) last cigarette: Never really got into it….
2) last alcoholic beverage: Friday Feb 10, good old JD, YEAH
3) last car ride: Car ride to work with my buddy Rob
4) last kiss: 2 weeks ago…..
5) last phone call: From my aunt, just to check up on me, and make sure I’m not dead
6) last cd played: Arch Enemy
7) last bubble bath: Never
8) last time you cried: Cry? Phh! I got a heart of stone here baby…
9) last "I love you": I love you? Haven’t uttered those sweet wordz in a long , long time, nor have they been uttered to me. *tear*

8 have you ever...

1) have you ever dated one of your best friends: Nope
2) have you ever skinny dipped: Nope
3) have you ever been on TV: Once.
4) have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: Yup
5) have you ever had a sex dream about someone you knew: Yup, you know who u are…..
6) have you ever fallen in love: Meh….
7) have you ever lost someone you loved: Yes
8) have you ever been depressed: Yes

7 places you've been to...

1) Jamaica
2) New York
3) Indiana
4) Montreal
5) Nicaragua
6) St. John's, Newfoundland
7) Florida

6 things you've done today...

1) Woke up and didn’t have a coffee
2) Went to work
3) Taught a new student who waz late to her first lesson because she got arrested for shoplifting underwear from Walmart.
4) Had 3 coffeez at work
5) came home, and cooked dinner, a.k.a Macaroni spiralz
6) Got bitched out by some chick on the phone for missing our date. Crap!

5 favorite things in NO order:

1) Drumz, Muzik
2) Chicken, (yes because I’m black)
3) The Freeway
4) Chicks
5) Jack Danielz and beer

4 things you want to do before you die...

1) Travel around Europe
2) Get married.
3) Get famous with my band(z)
4) Have kidz

3 things you will do tomorrow:

1) SLEEP IN!!!
2) Teach kidz how play drumz
3) Go look for a Job

2 things you want to be (that you're not now)...

1) A better person.
2) More focused and looking ahead.

1 thing you are now

I don’t know……

Monday, February 13, 2006

pink lemomade

So I'm at the bus stop waiting for the bus, and I see this man about 40yrz or so hanging around theze kidz in the bus shelter, I pay no attention, but then I notice he'z kinda stumbling,and laughing with the kidz, so obviously he'z drunk, and he'z giving the kidz booze too disguized az pink lemonade, but I saw him pour vodka in to it and so did the kidz, obviously the kidz thought he waz cool....... *EXPLITIVE DELETED*, *EXPLITIVE DELETED*, !@#%$!%!......*PHEW"
Theze kidz are about 14 or 15 yrz old, I hate to see this kinda crap, Why doezn't this guy know better, why can't God give me the strength to just beat the living snot outa this guy for being such a moron, idiot, !#%$*&^ dickhead!!! AHHHH!!!! DAMN!!! Then he even haz the nerve to go over to an old lady like a little child and ask her if she'z gonna call the cops on him, but she'z too frightened and just shakes her head no. He looks at me and waz about to come ask me the same question but one look at my face and he knew what I waz thinking....WHY the hell doez this happen?
So anywayz, the bus comes and the kidz go ahead of him and I go right behind him and the bottle of Vodka iz sticking out of hiz bag....GOD: Knock it out., I waz ready to go to town with this guy, even if he beats the crap outa me for smashing hiz bottle.........If Only for the kidz........ So I puposely bump into him, the bottle swayz a bit but fallz back in the bag......CRAP!! so I get on the crowded bus and he followz behind and sits at the back with the kidz, and keeps on giving them more but noone noticez cuz it just looks like pink lemonade, one of the kidz looks at me and she knowz I know, I just look at her strait in the face and shake my head, she triez to grin it off....The rest of the bus ride I waz wishing I could go back and knock that bottle out good and hard,..........I feel a sense of failure..... :(

Thursday, February 09, 2006


I officialy have way too much time on my handz..........SOMEBODY GIVE ME A JOB!!!!!!!!

"NEW BLOG SOAP FROM SPISHACK!!! Clean up you blog from unnessasary swearing and profane, or indecent language!!! Order now while quantatiez last, This offer iz not avaliable in storez, GET YOURZ TODAY!!!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Abby Monkey! Posted by Picasa

Not feelin' to Hot

Hmmm.......Ever had one of thoze dayz where you wouldn't mind if a bus hit ya? I felt like that today.....
I don't even know If I wanna play drumz anymore
, I hope this iz just a bad spell....kinda feelin a calling from God.....something about ministry or bible college.......I want a kick in the ass to figure out what God iz about.....dive in head first....get of the fence ya know? maybe doing something drastic iz the key....hmmmm....shit.