Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I buy my own bread.

What a change.....After alot of thought and talks and tearz, I left my band of 9 yearz, I had just lost the drive to play the music I waz playing with them, *sigh of relief* I just need something new, And there waz alot of tension you could cut with a knife, the real turning point waz when Rob said, "if we were holding auditionz for drummerz, you wouldn't make the cut" So I knew my time waz done, I feel like I just got divorced, Really. I mean we started this band together in grade 10, and we've seen and done alot together we even shared our bread till this morning, but it waz interfearing with my christisn life and my walk with God I mean the two lifestylez totaly were clashing, you can't go to the ripperz on Saturday and then Church on Sunday and act like everythingz fine, and It waz becoming a problem and like work for me and I didn't practice anymore, I waz falling out of love with the drumz. It pretty much came down to, God or my band. And God won. So I'm finaly free. *sigh of releif*, I still wish them the best of luck and will be there front row centre at every show. I still kinda have that resentfull feeling like saying, "good luck finding az good a drummer az I waz and have fun trying to teach him my parts, assholez", but it's not fair to them if I'm not puting everything in to it az I should.

So I am starting anew with John Fieldz, we are Recording this Saturday,and I can put my chops to something new which iz great and I'm excited to see what I can come up with on hiz tunez, also It would be cool to do something with Randy azwell, he'z got some pretty interesting stuff that iz fun and keeps me on my toez.

I love the feeling of not being chained down to one band, I can now play with whom ever I want, So If anyone knowz of any bandz, christian or other that needz a killer drummer let me know. I'm up for anything.

I still want to make a living playing drumz...............I just want God to be there too. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adrian you'll always have the muffins.


Such a huge decision though..and really glad you feel good about it.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Randell said...

Hey Adrian,

We so have to jam on some songs (not infront of an audiance so we can actually prefect something).

I like so many different styles of music and I think the more different styles you can mesh and bleed together (Like metal and folk, Jazz and indie rock) the better, and hopfully at the end you get something completely new.

Let me know. Hand drums would work at my place. Or we could use the freeway before or after hours (I have an in with manager).

11:32 PM  

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