Monday, October 30, 2006

Wow.....I didn't get the gig.....?

Well, izn't that a surprize, I waz asked to try out for a band who needed a drummer, so I did, it waz a good audition, but in the end they didn't chooze me.....hmmmm Interesting. It waz nice that Clayton (the guitarist who asked me) called me to let me know instead of an e mail or something. he said it came down to me and one other guy and the only reason he picked the other guy iz because he haz touring experience. Well I guess that's just the way it goez, I am a little surprized tho......wierd.


After work today I went to a surprize interview at another call center. I had heard other co-workerz talking about it and alot of them had left to go to this other, much better call centre, so I just decided to check it out, ripped jeanz and all (literally) and I pretty much just did an interview right there. So if I want the job I can start next Monday in training. I've never really quit one job for another before, I kind of feel I'm betraying my old job by going to one that's the same type but better in alot of wayz. So after I realized I pretty much have another job ready to go az soon az I leave my current one, I went down to the cafe'after work and had a chat with Randy and Big P, az usuall we talked about music almost the whole time, and It got me thinking about my possible music career. I mean I've played with lots of people before and I currently play in 2.5 bandz.

So I feel if I want to make a go of this I gotta get on it, I think I'm gonna start a myspace page, advertising my self az a drummer for sessionz and thingz and charge potencial clients for my servicez, not saying I'm leaving my current bandz but I like to be called upon for use of my skills. I know I can do it, the playing part izn't hard it's getting out there and having people need you that iz the difficult thing. But I just like the variety and It'll feel like I'm a working musician, even though I work hard enough when Johnny and I record for Rattlesnake Inn, (which iz going great by the way!!), and I have yet to hear back from some people who asked me to play for them. I just wanna stay busy in music that's all, and not be tied down to one thing, I gotta spread my wingz thant's why I'm thinking of a "Myspace" for Myself.

I also have alot of support from Kaelyn, she knowz I'm only gonna get busier az I go along and I love that she understandz that. (Thanx babe'!) I'm realizing very clearly that all theze thingz I do, weather switching a job, playing drumz. It all haz to sustain me az a person since I live on my own and want to do music az a carrer for the rest of my life, and I know people who do this and sustain themselvez, so it iz possible. but It's a wierd feeling knowing I'm gonna take some steps towardz it in one way or another.

Anywayz, just a few ramblingz of my mind.

Thanx for listening. Age!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"Jesus Christ Man!!!!"

Almost everyday I walk home form work, and everyday I encounter some of the strangest people, some old, some young, some crazy, they offer me drugz, sex, ask for money or smokes, or just give me cut eye az I pass by all dresses up in my buissness attire after a hard day of lying to people.

But there's one man I have never been able to figure out.....I call him the Jesus Christ man, because almost everyday I pass him and with the biggest smile on his face and a bunch of tracks in hiz hand he shouts " Jesus Christ.......Acccept him into your heart, you know he lovez ya, don't be afraid, Jesus Christ Brother". Now, this iz kinda scary az it iz, but the thing that gets me most iz he doezn't fit the typical discription of a bible thumper. For example: There's the guy in Gore park who shouts a sermon through a megaphone every sunday morning, rain or shine and haz a few people try and rally up people passing by, There'z the 2 old ladiez and one old man that stand outside of Jackson square simply stamding still, holding the "Awake" and "Watchtower" magazines in some vain attempt thinking that people are gonna take one out of their "One foot in the grave, cold dead handz." It's like come on ladiez do a Jig or something, make me want that waste of paper excuse for a magazine. And then there'z the good old Mormonz....... the only elders that are too young to shave. They alwayz tag team ya 2 on 1, and talk about star babiez and junk. Your starting to get the picture right?

But this Jesus Christ man, doezn't look anything like theze people I've discribed. He'z not in a suit and tie, or holding magazinez, and he doezn't abush you when your not looking. He'z just a guy in a simple tee shirt and jeanz, probably late 30'z early 40'z, a little rough looking exterior, but definatly not bummy. Kinda looks like one of The Trailor Park Boys. I'm sure he works some blue collar job all day and comez home to hiz lonley little appartment with hiz stolen cable, a cold beer and hiz dog "blue". It actualy looks like he's on hiz way to the bar or the grocery store az he just walks aimlessly down the street preaching hiz message to anyone that will give in a 2 second glance.

I guess I'm just wondering what makes this guy do this? Other people I see trying to cram God down peoplez throughts do it in a big conveluted way, this guy just walks down the street in his simple Jeanz and tee shirt, in a simple way and doez the same thing getting the same work done for Jesus, just on a way smaller scale.

I don't know why I find this strange, but I do. I'm sure God iz pleased with hiz effort az he iz with all of us who do it in our own way.

anywayz, just a thought....L8er.

Monday, October 16, 2006

The importance of a .......Blog??

So it waz a good time at the blogging party held at Big P'z house. It's funny becauze we were discussing how Blogging haz impacted our community, and it obviously haz done good and bad for example I find it interesting that Blogging and reading other peoplez blogz haz become such an important part of our daily livez that there could very well be people that feel leftout of this new and exciting trend because they don't know how to do it, or don't have access to the infinit world of the net, so they feel out of the loop or possibly "not cool" when it comez to blogging like it's a secret club or something. But it also haz positivez, like being able to check up on people you haven't seen in a while or starting conversations and diologue between people about a thought or oppinion someone had. It can bring us together or tear us appart.

Anywayz, that's not where I wanted to go with this....... The party even got geeky az we talked about different programz you could uze to blog and technical aspects and gadgts and gizmos you could uze to post picturez easier with Flickr or read recently updated blogz with Bloglinez so you don't have to waste time going to a blog itself to see what's new. There'z tonz of crap you can do now to just basically post yourself on the net and have people from all over the world or just your own backyard learn about you.

This makes me wonder what kind of thing did people in history do that waz trendy like blogging that would make them want to have a party for it or gathering just cuz they enjoy doing this seemingly useless activity constantly. I mean we could live without blogging but it can be come a seriously important part of someonez life or in my case the community I am in.

alwell.....most of this waz just blogging for blogging sake, so coment if you want, start a fight or discussion about it in my comment box or just skim through for a larf. I don't care it's my blog so I can write what I want in it......
