Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Why am I so Hyper after having a crappy day???

maybe it's cuz I'm shoveling down Sugar Crisp Cereal at 1:03 in the morn!!!! YEAH SUGAR CRISP!!! sdnjsnvoiregfiererjfi!!!!$#$#$#$%#$%#$%##@#!*(&)(*&&%$HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Feelin pretty Poopy

Hey Y'all, I'm not feelin the greatest today. When ever I get sick I alwayz get the same symptomz. I wake up with a sore throat and chills running up and down my spine, and into my brain. When I try to get up I am super dizzy, And I have to brace my hand on my knee to pick up my socks of the floor while shaking like a 95 yearold man all the way down and back up. Super wierd and super annoying. So I just sit in the dark drinking water and listening to some Philip Glass music. (one of my favorite composers) The nice thing iz that Kaelyn called me, and we chatted about life and stuff, and the other thing that made me smile iz that I found a pretty funny parody of the "Mac" commercials on Spiked Humor.com .

Check it out. Anywayz that's an update on me and my crappy wierd day.

L8er, Age!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New Drumsong......

"Death To The Drum Machine" Check it out on myspace/adrianmcfarlane

Specialk Thanks to Randy for taking the time to record and mix.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Nothin to do, and all day to do it.

Finally a good snow day, and because I hate staying inside and doing nothing, I'll go out and get something productive done. I pack up my laptop and head out, my only mode of transport iz the shoelace express and the snow iz past my shinz,.... ALL ABOARD!!!

My first stop iz the FRWY, a nice spot to start my day with a cup of coffee and some serious thought but I soon realize it iz Clozed. Crap! Alwell since I have my tax stuff with me I can at least do my tax stuff, so I stop in for a coffee at PAM'z coffee shop in Jackson Square which iz also where one of the guitarists from one of my bandz works, so we have a sit down and after a few calls confirm a practice time for Saturday at Tony's Jam House, Done! Ok onward to H&R Block and get something done............CLOSED!!!! Damnit! Well I didn't come all the way downtown for nothing, I'm gonna get some work done on my day off even if it kills me, at least I can go to the libraray (Yes that's right, I said library....) and do some sort of research on the buissness of music or read a drum magazine to get inspired and learn something......No Dice C.L.O.S.E.D!!!! It seemz to me that the whole city iz closed down even the Employment agency, where I go to find the millionz of various jobz I have had iz closed, and I even overhear that Centre and Eastgate Mall are closed because of the weather. I guess I'll have to go home.

Az I step in the door I kinda feel az if it waz a wasted morning cuz I didn't get to do anything productive. So I start checking E mailz in a desperate hope that I will not be subject to a lazy day doing nothing.

EUREKA!!!! YeaY, I found some work for me to do!!!! Some one haz contacted me about a show and needz informative detailz, so I spend quite a while getting info, responding, MSNing, phoning cutting and pasting, confirming, so that I can get this show together, I only take one break to go play VDO gamez with Josiah upstairz. But then it's back to work for me, no rest till I feel I have done something to make my day a productive one.

I seem to do this all the time to myself. I alwayz feel I have to do some kind of worky thing when I have nothing to do, cuz for me it's the difference between getting into the music buissness az a drummer, and failing at it. I just don't like to be lazy when I know that there iz something to be done Musicwise. And without Kaelyn here to..........um........(choosing wordz carefully) "Distrac...no.....*Spend Valuable Loving Time With*, I go even harder. (just kidding honey xoxo,
merry valentinez day!) Even az we speak I'm messaging people, E Mailing and making callz for various musical oppertunitiez for me and eating dinner at my desk. I even called Randy to get some info for a gig, then asked if I could come over to listen to the tracks I recoreded the other day and he said "not today, It's Valentinez Day Remamber?" Oh ya, a short slip of the memory, good thing I made that special delivery this morning on my way out. *wink, wink*

I can't beleive I can make myself so busy even when there'z nothing to do. I'm determined, never give it up, my love for music.

Anywayz, I gotta get back to work, I just thought of tonz of stuff to do that will keep up for hourz on end.....

Monday, February 12, 2007

The gig of a lifetime, the big gig.......just slipped out of my fingers..............FUCK!!!

I just got a call from a guy who waz looking for a drummer for hiz cover band, we had e mailed back and forth once of 2wice, finally he calls me tellz me the deal, and that they play 4-5 nights a week, tour the whole east coast a few timez a year opening for some big namez, (Default, Headstones, Nickleback etc) you get the picture, They basically make their living doing this, making $500-$600 a week...EACH, az a cover band. And he soundz super cool, a crystal clear enthusiastic voice, a little older than me, about 29 yrz old, the rest of them are in their 30'z, but who carez az long az I get to do it for a living like I've alwayz dreamed my one and only wish since I waz a kid. One problem.......when looking at his phone number I see that it iz a "519" area code, SHIT!! He'z from Woodstock, I don't have a problem with Woodstock itself, but I Can't get there...... CUZ I DON'T HAVE A MOTHER FUCKIN CAR, DAMNIT!!!!! (let alone a licence to support me driving a motor vehicle.) I literally fell to my knees and wanted to throw the phone through the wall. He wanted me to be hiz drummer, totally enthusiastic and everything. I had it in my grasp, it waz mine. I would have gotten it, I can play anything..........ANYTHING!!! I don't even have a bicycle to pedal my little chicken legz all the way there.

In the end.....he said he'd keep me in mind............Booernz,...... Booernz indeed!!!

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Randy: So Age how's that band Ophelia Syndrome doing?

Me: Oh it 's goin pretty good.

Randy: Any gigz yet?

Me: Ya we have some coming up in a couple weeks.

Randy: Do you have anything I could listen to for the coffee house?

Me: Ya just go to the website, I'll send you the link.

Randy: Do they have alot of friendz?

Me: Oh no we haven't set up a "myspace account" yet.

Randy: *looks at me*...*starts laughing*,"No I mean friendz in real life".......



Sunday, February 04, 2007

Random VDO

I think I'm just gona start posting VDO'z now.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mine and Chen'z new favortie love bug.

For more info on this cuddly, spikey,magot that live beneith the skin go to: http://ambergriscaye.com/pages/town/botfly.html