"Behind bad luck, comez Good luck!" Thank you Mr. fortune cookie.
What an awsome day, Shyite!!!!!, I woke up kinda late, 12:47 in the noon, (haha Natasha), I make a coffee without sugar cuz I have no money to replace the sugar that the ants took over.......So I log onto MSN with my crappy sugarless coffee and my dad signz in (yes he'z that cool, that he uses MSN at work) and he sendz me some shillingz over the internet.......Sweet!!! Then John Fieldz callz, " you up for doing some recording today?" "Ya sure" Sweet!!! So he picks me up and we go to this classic rock band cliche' looking garage, And 4 hourz later we have drum tracks to 3 songz down and I even put in some double kick in one of the heavier tunez (tastefully of course), Then we go back to hiz place, eat take out chineese (that's where I got the tille for this from), and listen to our work. WHAT????? How come in the 9 YEARZ I waz in my other band we couldn't get this far?, It's almost frustrating like i wasted all that time, I mean I know I didn't, I got alot of good experience, but then in one afternoon with John we pretty much have our demo done. It bogglez the mind, I am finally working with someone who knowz how to get the job done and I love it. Thanx John.....
Good for you! I'm glad to hear that it's lookin up.
That's great. Send some of that good luck my way, k?
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