Fancy Shmancy!!!
So today I traded in my ball cap and pre-worn jeanz, for a comb and a sharp pair of slacks, complete with 3 pre-tied tiez from my father and one untied tie to practice on. I headed downtown on the bus to my first training session az a telemarketer promoting The Discover credit card. They take it pretty seriously, it's all office like in there, with cubicalz az far az the eye can see, and headsets and computerz, and paper everywhere, and coffee. Looks like a room full of buisness class rejects. And the chicks?...........Oh MY GOD!!!!!! SHMOKIN" After the powepoint presentation and filling out of formz, we went on a tour of where we would be working, and with all the headz poping up from behind the cubicals to see who the rookiez were, it felt like that "Whack- a- Mole" game at the carnival, I even overheard a guy talking to hiz buddy about how much money he waz making doing this job, but I also liked the atmosphere it created, very official and important feeling, in a big building, right in the heart of Hamilton downtown core. At the end of the day of training, az I walked out of the building, night had fallen, and with all the lights of the other big important looking buildingz around me I got a bit of an ego boost, cuz I waz comming out of a big building too, in buisness attire and a bounce in my step, all I needed waz a suit case like I alwayz see my dad carry when he goez to work. Ya I waz feeling pretty damn good and my ego waz getting pretty big, that iz until I went to the bank and checked my balance of $1.15 and realized I'd be taking the stairz up and down the mountain the rest of the week. lol, it even started to rain pretty bad on me az I walked home, I guess that waz God chopping me down a few pegz for getting a big head......what a guy. But I think it's gonna be ok for a bit even while I look for a different job. Even though the fancy clothez actualy start to feel comfortable after a while, the drumsticks will still alwayz be in the back pocket.....*wink*
So proud of my lil age...sniff...yer all growns up now...ALL GROWNS UP NOW!
Hey man, I have been reading your blog today and it sounds like you are doing ok. I can remember the first time you walked into New Hope with your dad. Here was this guy in a Rock shirt, punk look to play drums for a new church worship team. I had no idea what to think, and God said, "TRUST ME." And man, I never looked back, your faithfulness to me and church was awesome and I'm sure Pernell feels the same.
Take care and I hope to see you soon.
Look at you all grown up!!!
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