100 Thingz you NEED to know about Women!!!
Hello again Friendz, It's the Ageman here with you again with more of The 100 Thingz you Need to Know about Women!! last time we were together we left off at # 61 and the hate mail iz piling up, Boy were they dooziez, and who iz this so called "Lorena Bobbit" you keep mentioning in your letterz with regardz to my manhood? Y'all are crazy....... So here we go with more.....
100 Thingz you Need to know about Women!!
60. Women Often cite manhandeling of breasts az the biggest faux pas!
59. "Wearing your hat and playing with it, or hitting it iz meanz we like you, why don't guyz understand that?" -Lauren 25
58. If there going to do it, most wivez cheat between the agez of 18 and 29
57. Women think they're better driverz than they think they are. Don't point this out ro she'll freakout and crash.
56. Women ingest about half the lipstick they apply, which meanz they eat about 1 to 3 sticks per year.
55. the beast looking women often possess the least confidence.
54. A woman might say she just wants sex, but sleep with her for a while and she'll change her tune. " I've known so many women who think they can pull this off, but they end up developing feelingz fir the guy" -Evie 22
53. According to the American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Angelina Jolie'z lips were the most requested feature among female patients in 2004.
52. Despite alwayz complementing another woman'z short haircut, she secretly celebrates having one less competitor, since men prefer women with long hair.
51. Don't call her "cute", In her mind it's the same az "not vomit inducing" . "sexy" Ok, "Hot" Yes, "Fucking Awsome" Only if she'z slightly buzzed.
50. Women often buy shoez a size or two small because they're in denial about the size of their feet.
49. They drean about one day peing in a urinal.
48. Women know where they stand looks-wise, but worry about being cool, about which they are unsure.
47. According to the U.S. bureau of statistics, 23% of 18-34 year old women live with their parents.
46. Women wat to talk dirty, but they are afraid you won't respect them in the morning, Reassure her that letting go in the bedroom doezn't make her less classy and she'll probably go wild.......A bottle of Jagermeister helps.
45. 23% of this magazinez readerz are women.
44. A psycho jelous woman will do anything to keep her man, So take advantage.
43. about 40% of women still call their father Daddy.
42. The only way girlz who don't know eachother can start a convorsation and signal that they are nonthreatening iz to compliment one another'z shoez, clothez, hair, or jewlery. To become BFF, A common enemy iz needed.
41. If she suddenly cuts her hair short, it meanz she no longer carez what you think of her, but that doezn't mean she doezn't care about someone elses oppinion.
Wow, that's alot of info to take in, But I'm doing this for the greater good of MANkind. Well the mousetrap- like mind of a woman iz one that snaps at any second without reason or warning, I'm just trying to help a brotha out. Till next time......ta! ta!
100 Thingz you Need to know about Women!!
60. Women Often cite manhandeling of breasts az the biggest faux pas!
59. "Wearing your hat and playing with it, or hitting it iz meanz we like you, why don't guyz understand that?" -Lauren 25
58. If there going to do it, most wivez cheat between the agez of 18 and 29
57. Women think they're better driverz than they think they are. Don't point this out ro she'll freakout and crash.
56. Women ingest about half the lipstick they apply, which meanz they eat about 1 to 3 sticks per year.
55. the beast looking women often possess the least confidence.
54. A woman might say she just wants sex, but sleep with her for a while and she'll change her tune. " I've known so many women who think they can pull this off, but they end up developing feelingz fir the guy" -Evie 22
53. According to the American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Angelina Jolie'z lips were the most requested feature among female patients in 2004.
52. Despite alwayz complementing another woman'z short haircut, she secretly celebrates having one less competitor, since men prefer women with long hair.
51. Don't call her "cute", In her mind it's the same az "not vomit inducing" . "sexy" Ok, "Hot" Yes, "Fucking Awsome" Only if she'z slightly buzzed.
50. Women often buy shoez a size or two small because they're in denial about the size of their feet.
49. They drean about one day peing in a urinal.
48. Women know where they stand looks-wise, but worry about being cool, about which they are unsure.
47. According to the U.S. bureau of statistics, 23% of 18-34 year old women live with their parents.
46. Women wat to talk dirty, but they are afraid you won't respect them in the morning, Reassure her that letting go in the bedroom doezn't make her less classy and she'll probably go wild.......A bottle of Jagermeister helps.
45. 23% of this magazinez readerz are women.
44. A psycho jelous woman will do anything to keep her man, So take advantage.
43. about 40% of women still call their father Daddy.
42. The only way girlz who don't know eachother can start a convorsation and signal that they are nonthreatening iz to compliment one another'z shoez, clothez, hair, or jewlery. To become BFF, A common enemy iz needed.
41. If she suddenly cuts her hair short, it meanz she no longer carez what you think of her, but that doezn't mean she doezn't care about someone elses oppinion.
Wow, that's alot of info to take in, But I'm doing this for the greater good of MANkind. Well the mousetrap- like mind of a woman iz one that snaps at any second without reason or warning, I'm just trying to help a brotha out. Till next time......ta! ta!
ok so #59 I totally disagree with.
# 43 is an odd statistic, I mean I haven't called my dad anything but sperm donor in freakin years.
And my last comment is on #41, I have often gone from the short to long cuts, Its my hair and I think I get to do what I want with it. Also I don't really care what other people think (well not that much anyway) thanks for posting the list Age... keep it comming!
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