Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Drug of choice.........

Hey, so today I wazn't able to have a coffee cuz I waz late for work, so I waz antsy and sketchy all day, so when I got home I had a bit of a nap, then woke up, and waz jonezin' for a cup "black crack." (new phraze iz a work in progress), anywayz, az soon az I finished drinking it with no sugar or milk in it, I almost keeled over with satisfaction, I felt so good and at peace, I just had to have another cup........and so I did, I drink coffee like people smoke, if I'm hanging around and not doing anything or going for a walk to clear my head, I will grab a quick Timmy's, just for something to do, It doezn't even affect me anymore, I could drink a cup and go to bed, I like the taste of it in the morning, it lets me know that my day haz started. and If I'm in a fancy shmancy mood and can spend some doh, I'll go down to the cafe' and have a decent coffee'. Yes coffee, the drink that bindz us all, thank you Juan Valdez, you are a scollar and a poet.

Note: the drinking of coffee at 12 in the morn resulting in a blog to said drink, iz a clear indication that I am over tired, and insanity haz taken over, please do not let theze events pass false judgement on my demeanor and well being. thank you.


Blogger Meagan said...

Such a funny lil guy. Peace minus Coffee to you.

12:23 AM  
Blogger NathanColquhoun said...

I think coffee is raunch.
But i think you are cool and i like you.

Let's go out for coffee :) sometime.


1:53 AM  
Blogger Andrea said...

I myself understand why this is your DRUG of choice and usually myself get chastised for being able to drink a hot steaming mug around 10pm and crash minutes later

welcome to the club!


10:46 AM  

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