Friday, January 19, 2007

Screwed over again.......But this time I'm gonna fightin back!!!!!

Today Started out like any other day, go to my crap job to sell magazinez that I wouldn't even buy, to people in poor lower income housing projects that can barely affored to feed themselvez.

So I do a couple houses without any luck. After I finish my little street my boss pulls me aside and sayz he haz to talk to me about something, Ok I figured he'z gona give me some friendly advice or some selling tips. Instead I get a rude awakening and found out that I had been blaitantly lied to about my job.

When I applied for it, the advertisment said "$12/hr 40hrz a week-door to door salez". So I figured, ok this iz my last attempt at salez and if this doezn't work, No more salez jobz....EVER AGAIN I don't care how much they promise to pay me, cuz they try to get you with money.


#1. I started at $9.00/hr for a probationary period of 5 salez or 5 dayz. I thought, "ok, whatever I guess it's standard just to test me out. So I got 5 salez realitivley easily in under a week.
My boss sayz to me in the car az we drive home "great" " you'll be making $12.00/hr starting tommorrow". So I'm in a good mood and work for the next week in the confident knowledge that even if I have a shitty day or week where I don't make a single sale, I'm at least getting a decent hourly wage for my troublez and can still affored to live at........ "12.00/hr".......????

#2. Today (Thurzday) when my boss pullez me aside to talk he tellz me that I waz NEVER EVER making $12.00/hr, I waz making COMMISSION ONLY THE ENTIRE TIME!!!!! So, in other wordz, had I made no salez this week............I would have made no money either. I got visably angry and he tells me to grow up and face reality, noone makes salary in this salez buisness. And then just az I'm sure he'z done to tonz of other people, az if to soften the blow and stop him from getting a royal ass kickin right there in hiz very own car, he goez strait into talking about all the money I'm gonna be making with commission only, MONEY,MONEY,MONEY,MONEY, he even worked it out on paper for me, and I really did make more money doing comission only, but that's not the point, they lied to me strait to my face, like a little monkey I think I'm going around making an hourly wage while doing this job and salez are a bonus, but no, Not even close. And he said it in a sneaky way too, so noone else would hear, like it waz a big secret.....which it waz!!!

#3. I waz also under the impression that I waz going to get a nice paycheque EVERY WEEK. So on Wednezday I waz ready to get some money so I could pay some billz, rent, take The Woman out for a fancy dinner at know the usual. At the end of the day when I asked to get paid I waz told that they had just changed it to every 2 weeks, so I won't get a cent unil next Thurzday..........Again, I got pissed off.......he saw it,........ made some phone callz and the next day (today) handed me a portion of what I earned being about $130 cash out of his little brown wallet, all the while with a little giggle on hiz face az if he had shut me up for a bit. (remember this part happened before part 2.) So he/They still owe me money.

Anywayz to make a long story short......I'm taking it to the labour board. I just have to get some documentation from him first. and get the ad that I saw at the job bank.

I have never been taken advantage of so bad in my life, or lied to strait in my Fuckin face.

I'm just trying to pay my billz here and I gotta deal with this shit. I want to dedicate my life to music and am trying my best to do that with my life. I don't need theze hastlez.

I know it may seem like a small battle, But I would appreciate if anyone out there could pray for me az I try to do something about this. And any help or advice you could give iz very much appreciated.

I Vow never to do salez again, and Have learned a valuable lesson.

Thank you Kaelyn for letting me know I can actually do something about this, I love ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got your back age. I'll pray (and also plot) about this. Sorry man.

9:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you Age!!

stick it to the man!!!!!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Natasha said...

Keep us posted. Thinking of you.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you Adrian!!
I will be praying.
That's ridiculous.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have the documented proof yet, Age, and does the employer have an office that's in a fairly public location? sc

8:34 AM  
Blogger AGEMAN said...

I do have alot of Proof, and I gave my Supervisors Cell Phone #, but The address iz a P.O Box.

4:06 PM  

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